Learn tools, tips, tricks, hacks, and more to increase close rates, increase sales amount per call, increase overall sales, increase prices, increase profits.
This is a free, interactive, online workshop that lasts just 60 minutes, held every other week.
During each session, we will discuss a specific topic related to either strategies to increase your business, create marketing programs that lead to increased engagement, or ways in which brand is strengthened by everything you do. After we cover the topic we will then open the floor to questions. And they don't have to be on just the topic discussed.
Bring your questions, your problems, your issues, and we will work on them during the time together. You might also get insights from those who are on the call.
We will record the sessions to allow you to review it for the next two weeks while we prepare for the next topic.
Join at anytime.
For small and medium sized business owners that want work and life to be better.
Information and discussion that doesn't use buzz words and gets right to the issues.
Tools, techniques, tips, hacks that can be used immediately to improve your image, or better engage with your customers, or to bring more sales and/or more profits to your business.
There is a secret to improving your productivity and that of those around you. It is called delegating.
And Topics
To see a replay of the latest Workshop session, click here.